Pınar Selek
24. January 2013 Solidarity with Pinar Selek
24. January 2013 Solidarity with Pinar Selek

We don’t close our eyes,

we don’t close our ears,

we don’close our mouth

As femiınists and activısts we demand the immediate stop of the ‘legal’ proceedıngs against Pinar Selek.

Because: three times an acquittal is enough!

We see and we know that the efforts in the last 15 years to destroy the ıntegrity and the work of Pinar Selek as a feminist and antimilitarist activist, as a thinker and researcher, are although used to ıntimidate feminist and other social movements in Turkey - But although ın other countries.

As we face violence against women, structures of exploıtatıon, military and economic wars – we can’t turn away!

We will go on fighting for peace and justice for all – together with Pinar Selek and many others who have made the same choices.

We are here to see and to hear that this time there will be a stop of the persecution and a full and conclusive acquıttal for Pinar Selek.

Ass. Empowerıng feminist Communication, Women Center Kassel /Germany

Autonomous Women Shelter, Kassel /Germany

Feminist Women Lesbian Magazine Krampfader

Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Mahkeme Süreci Court Process